Our Team

As a provider of British Council and ABLS accredited courses, it is our mission to raise the standard and quality of experience for students, making sure that our students experience the best lessons and extra curricular activities in a safe and supervised environment.

Our on-site welfare and support staff are on hand 24 hours a day- should you need any help while you are with us. All PLUS Staff undergo induction training by our Head of Operations Staff. Teachers and Leisure organisers are all specifically trained to work with non English speakers and all teachers must have a minimum TEFL qualification.


Who's Who on campus?


Course Director

The Course Director has overall responsibility for the academic side of the programme.


Campus Manager

The Campus Manager has overall responsibility for the wellbeing of all students while staying at our PLUS centre. anything!!


Activity Leader

Activity Leaders run the afternoon and evening activities on campus. Students can recognise them by their PLUS T-shirts and sweatshirts.



PLUS teachers lead classes every morning and students will get to know their teacher very well.